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Updated business hours:10月26日から通常営業とさて頂きます。From October 26th, we will be open for regular business with the following hours:M-S 15:00-22:00 | Last Order: (FOOD 21:00 / DRINK 21:30)Sunday & Holidays 13:00-19:00 | Last Order: (FOOD 18:00 / DRINK 18:30) We look forward to welcoming you to Titans!


After TWO f'n years of COVID we're finally able to do this!Come to Otsuka to see old friends and make some new ones while enjoying local independent craft beer. Free Entry! *Re-use Eco cups will be available for 200 yen.Schedule2021年10月23日(土)・ Saturday, October 23rdba02 parking lot: 12:00 - 20:00 (19:00 LO)After Party@ ping-pong ba 20:00 - 22:00 (tickets required)2021年10月24日(日)・ Sunday, October 24thba02 parking lot & ping-pong ba: 12:00 - 19:00 (18:00 LO)Participating Vendors:Cranc BrewingNamachan BrewingSnark LiquidworksTokyo AleworksKebabla (Kebabs)Mikkeller Kanda (Burgers / Sunday Only)TitansHage & Hige主催: 株式会社タイタンズ協力: ba being & assocation (山口不動産株式会社)Venue大塚駅北口 ・ ba01 pingpong ba & ba02 駐車場Otsuka Station North Side...


In accordance with the guidelines set by the Tokyo Government, we will be open under limited hours.10月1日~10月31日の間短縮営業とさて頂きます。月~土 15:00-21:00(20:00 LO) | 日・祝 13:00-19:00M-S 15:00-21:00 (20:00 LO)|Sunday & Holidays 13:00-19:00Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.ご迷惑をお掛け致しますが、ご理解・ご協力頂き誠にありがとうございます。


緊急事態宣言特別営業のお知らせ / Updated hours!In accordance with the guidelines set by the Tokyo Government, we will be open for TO-GO sales only.7月12日~8月22日の間特別営業(お持帰りのみ)とさて頂きます。月~土 15:00-20:00 | 日・祝 13:00-19:00M-S 15:00-20:00 |Sunday & Holidays 13:00-19:00Thank you for your cooperation and understanding!ご迷惑をお掛け致しますが、ご理解・ご協力頂き誠にありがとうございます。


店内営業再開のお知らせ / Updated hours!In accordance with the guidelines set by the Tokyo Government, we will be open and serving alcohol until 19:00.6月21日~7月11日の間、短縮営業といたします。月~土 15:00-20:00 | 日・祝 13:00-19:00M-S 15:00-20:00 |Sunday & Holidays 13:00-19:00Thank you for your cooperation and understanding!ご迷惑をお掛け致しますが、ご理解・ご協力頂き誠にありがとうございます。
